Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 8 Village Chat_Introduction to Communication (1)

Week 8 Village Chat_Introduction to Communication

Q What to include in our initial discussion post: Tell us what type of power resources you are going to cover and why that particular one interested you (do not go for the top option and call it a day, I see this a lot). I want you to care about what you are writing about. Read the entire section, and decide on a power resource that truly interest you personally. It may be a good idea to choose a topic that you are struggling with in your own life today. This will help you better make decisions about power relationships in your life. Define the term IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You are welcome to paraphrase, of course, but avoid a direct quote for this definition :) After defining the concept complete, go on the Internet and find an example of this type of relationship playing out. It can be a YouTube video from a favorite show, a tweet (you do not have to be signed up to twitter to search and use their tweets), or an article that demonstrates this type of power resource. Explain why you feel your example is relevant and on target regarding the type of power resource. Finally, explain how you feel about this power resource. Is it helpful, harmful or does it depend on the situation? And if so, why?

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The power resource that I chose to discuss is Expertise: Information Plus Know-How as I feel that it is something to be really proud of as a source of power. To be honest, if at all I want anyone to respect me and find me trustworthy of or reliable as a source for, then I would want it to be because of my knowledge and what I truly possess. I have myself looked up to the people who have shown knowledge and expertise in something, especially something that I was very little awareness of, and to have it outwardly expressed and receiving that respect from others would be a welcome change.